When Sculptors Craft – the Journal of Modern Craft
When sculptors craft “How comfortably does craft fit within the history and practice of sculpture? Why is the crafted essence of sculpting so often ignored? And, more positively, what ideas and...
View ArticleSydney’s Three Winds
I’ve been savoring, thinking about and writing on the unique seasons we experience here in Bayarea. It reminded me of the classic essay (which I will reproduce here in full, as I can’t find it...
View ArticleWhittling: The Last Class by John Stone
What has been written about whittling is not true most of it It is the discovery that keeps the fingers moving not idleness but the knife looking for the right plane that will let the secret out...
View ArticleTowards a Poetics of Making
Lately, I have been considering what I find to be the most engaging questions in my field and wondering if the theory that is available is of much use to me – or to my students. My friend at CCA, …...
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